
Edwin Brenes Cambronero

Computer Science Engineer and Mathematics Professor

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About Me

Senior year Computer Science and Mathematics Education Student at University of Costa Rica, learning and mathematics lover, with experience working as Back-end Software Engineer in agile teams. Software development and design enthusiast, looking for new challenges and opportunities to improve my skills and learn new ones


SOIN Soluciones Integrales

Back-end Software Developer

Design new solutions based on Software Design Patterns and build highly scalable REST APIs and webservices based on microservices with NodeJS, Express Framework, OracleSQL, PostgreSQL and jest

Technologie People Connection

Back-end Software Developer (temporary contract)

Design and implement solutions based on microservices and RESTFul APIs with Java Springboot Framework, also design and implement relational databases according to business requirements

ECCI, University of Costa Rica

Professor’s Assistant

Bring support to students from Software Engineering course and create new material to guide the student’s learning and acquisition of new skills with .NET Technologies, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Git, and Scrum Framework. Also clarify students doubts about the subject and their projects development

Centro de Investigación en Matemática Pura y Aplicada (CIMPA)

Research Assistant

Research about mathematical dynamic models and differential equations systems

University of Costa Rica

Mathematics Professor

Teach mathematic leveling course to first-year students

School of Mathematics, University of Costa Rica

Research Assistant

Bring support to students and clarify students doubts from courses: Functions in several variables (MA0032) and Math Foundations (MA0003)


University of Costa Rica

2020 - Present

Licentiate’s Degree in Mathematics Education

University of Costa Rica

2017 - Present

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

University of Costa Rica

2015 - 2019

Bachelor of Education in Mathematics


SEIR Model - Covid19

Academic project elaborated at Mathematics in Science course from University of Costa Rica. The project's goal was analyzed COVID-19 propagation in Costa Rica.
Tools which were used: Matlab, differential ecuations systems

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Virtual Network

Academic project elaborated at Operating Systems and Networks courses from University of Costa Rica. The project's goal was simulate by software the hardware behind the networking traffic
Tools which were used: Python, JavaScript, C++, C, System calls, std C++ Threads

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Sigils Game

Academic project elaborated at Videogame Creation course from University of Costa Rica. The project's goal was design and implement a 3D videogame
Tools which were used: C#, Unity

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